Name Last commit Last update
Fonts fixing some svn issues
Images fixing some svn issues
VuhDoOptions Updating TOCs for Legion Beta.
.pkgmeta Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
Bindings.xml initial WoD commit
VuhDo.lua Final comments for v2.69 release.
VuhDo.toc Updating TOCs for Legion Beta.
VuhDo.xml Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoActionEventHandler.lua Fixed interacting with a frame after battle res when using Clique compat mode
VuhDoAddonAdapter.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoAoeAdvisor.lua Initial bug fixes for Legion alpha. Removed glyph modification for AOE advice and some deprecated spells/auras.
VuhDoBarCustomizerClusters.lua Fixed AOE cluster advice for spells which target randomly
VuhDoBarCustomizerDebuffIcon.lua Fixed muting of SFX and Error Speech when auto-firing spells/trinkets. Added remaining spell IDs for debuff absorb Touch of Harm and Befouled.
VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua Added new special panel type for boss encounter unit frames. Listen to UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT for more responsive health updates.
VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua Fixed incorrect spell ID for Shaman spell Riptide. Fixed Riptide to only cache by spell ID rather than spell name. This fixes the T18 4pc bonus.
VuhDoBarCustomizerMana.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoBarCustomizerTarget.lua Final comments for v2.69 release.
VuhDoBarCustomizerThreat.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoBouquetValidators.lua Merges changes from trunk to Legion alpha branch.
VuhDoBouquets.lua Removed Shadow of Death from the default custom debuff list for HFC. Removed Shadow of Death from the default custom debuff list for HFC. Added additional default custom debuffs for patch 6.2 (HFC raid encounters). Added healer legendary ring buff Etheralus as a HoT/absorb. Added Fel Lord Zakuun Befouled debuff absorb tracking. Added Tyrant Velhari Touch of Harm debuff absorb tracking.
VuhDoBuffConst.lua Fixed incorrect spell ID for Warlock Blood Pact.
VuhDoBuffWatch.lua Buff Watch no longer attempts to smart cast hostile buffs on friendly targets
VuhDoBuffWatch.xml initial WoD commit
VuhDoBuffWatchBuilder.lua Added option to hide buff watch while out of combat under 'VuhDo Options > Buffs > General'
VuhDoClusterBuilder.lua Really fixed Cluster Builder calling methods on forbidden frames
VuhDoCombatLogParser.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoConfigConvenience.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoConst.lua Added new bindable command "ExtraActionButton" (useful to pass Eye of Anzu).
VuhDoConstSpells.lua Fixed incorrect spell ID for Warlock Blood Pact.
VuhDoCtraAdapter.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoDcShield.lua Apparently this UTF8 string library doesn't use LibStub
VuhDoDebuffConst.lua Initial bug fixes for Legion alpha. Removed glyph modification for AOE advice and some deprecated spells/auras.
VuhDoDebuffs.lua Initial bug fixes for Legion alpha. Removed glyph modification for AOE advice and some deprecated spells/auras.
VuhDoDefaults.lua Bump custom debuff version one last time before release.
VuhDoDefaultsBouquets.lua Fixed default function for custom flag validator.
VuhDoDirections.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoDropdownFactory.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoEventHandler.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoGuiConst.lua Added new special panel type for boss encounter unit frames. Listen to UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT for more responsive health updates.
VuhDoGuiToolbox.lua Monochrome font outline hint should now work for all clients without crashing.
VuhDoHealCommAdapter.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoKeySetup.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoLocalization_de.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoLocalization_en.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoLocalization_es.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoLocalization_fr.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoLocalization_ru.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoLocalization_zhCN.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.
VuhDoLocalization_zhTW.lua Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons. Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes. Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes. Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage.