Commit fef1eda3 authored by Ivaria's avatar Ivaria
Browse files

Boss unit frames now apply hostile spell binds like a target unit frame

parent b5781be8
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ local function VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes(aModiKey, aButtonId, anAction, aB
tUnit = aButton["raidid"];
if anIsTgButton or tUnit == "focus" or (tUnit == "target" and "dropdown" ~= anAction) then
if anIsTgButton or tUnit == "focus" or (tUnit == "target" and "dropdown" ~= anAction) or VUHDO_isBossUnit(tUnit) then
if not anIndex then
tHostSpell = tSpellInfo ~= nil and tSpellInfo[3] or "";
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Known issues:
-- Boss unit frames now apply hostile spell binds like a target unit frame
-- UNIT_SPELLCAST_* events no longer pass spell name or rank
-- UNIT_POWER event is now named UNIT_POWER_UPDATE
-- UnitAura/UnitBuff/UnitDebuff no longer accept spell name or ID
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