Add missing debuffs for Shriekwing
I added missing default debuffs for Shriekwing.
I checked all existing debuff IDs and they are correct.
There is one more I did not add: Horrified is the horrify effect which you get after you hit a white circle. If you think that should be included as well, let me know. I think that is kinda unimportant. If you think this should be included as well (either uncommented or commented), let me know.
- Earsplitting Shriek is the debuff (and moderate dot) you get after you don't LoS the initial cast. I think it should be shown since targets with this debuff require moderate extra healing.
- Wave of Blood is the debuff (and moderate dot) you get after you get hit by the Wave of Blood spell. I included them as comments because it may be useful for some.
I checked all IDs on Normal/Heroic/Mythic difficulties and they are the same. I did not find any data for LFR.
Edit: Logs for checking IDs: