Lua error when switching talents from restoration to guardian
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
This is with only VuhDo enabled.
Describe your environment:
- VuhDo version 3.173, 3.174-alpha-1
- World of Warcraft region EU
- World of Warcraft client language enUS
Summary of the issue:
Getting a Lua error when switching specs from Restoration to Guardian.
Expected behaviour:
No error.
Actual behaviour:
Related error messages:
3x VuhDo/VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua:1325: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua"]:1325: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua:1316>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua"]:1364: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua:1358>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua"]:1189: in function `VUHDO_updateAllRaidBars'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua"]:1192: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua:1179>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua"]:1226: in function `VUHDO_reloadUI'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoNewOptionsGeneralSkinsShared.lua"]:2643: in function `VUHDO_loadProfile'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoSpellEventHandler.lua"]:56: in function `VUHDO_activateSpecc'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:795: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua:442>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Swiftmend"
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
sIsPlayerKnowsSwiftmend = true
sSwiftmendCooldown = <table> {
tStart = nil
tDuration = nil
sIsPlayerCanCastSwiftmend = true