Nature's Swiftness Error
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
- Encountered error when testing just Vuhdo and Bug grabber and Bugsack
Describe your environment:
- *VuhDo version * v3.171-catac
- *World of Warcraft region * Americas/Oceanic
World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS)
- enUS
Summary of the issue:
* Buffwatch for Nature's Swiftness is not functioning properly
Expected behaviour:
* Clicking on Buffwatch more than one time in a fight should apply the buff each time after cooldown.
Actual behaviour:
Tell me what is happening instead, contrary to the expectations you documented above.
Tell me how to reproduce your issue. Please provide step-by-step instructions.
* Tested the issue 4 separate ways in an attempt to narrow the problem.
* First, when healing in raid, I can only use Nature's Swiftness once per combat. After the Cooldown the ability is unusable in buffwatch
* Second, I tested auto-attacking a target dummy in Org, Does not reproduce the problem.
* Third, I tested in PvP duel, I was healing with everything I had, while taking damage. Used the CD in the Duel, unable to cast a second time.
*Fourth, in PvP duel I started the CD of Nature's Swiftness before combat starts, and attempted to use it again after combat started when the CD was ready and got the error message again.
Related error messages:
* "VuhDo: No buff target available for Nature's Swiftness"