Flag: Debuff Magic/Diseases won't disappear
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Tested it with only Vuhdo enabled, same Issue
Describe your environment:
- *VuhDo version Catacylsm Classic v3.168-catac-alpha-4
- *World of Warcraft region EU
- *World of Warcraft client language enUS
Summary of the issue: Everything applies to the "flag: debuff Diseases" too - just with a different color.
Indicator "Inner" is set up with a single Bouquet showing "Flag: Debuff Magic". Changed the color to blue and checked "Background". On receiving a Magic Debuff, the inner frame turns blue and indicates a magic debuff. But upon dispelling or the debuff runs out, the blue frame will stay active. After opening and closing Vuhdo options oder /reload the indicator is inactive. But on the next magic debuff, same behavior.
Expected behaviour:
After dispelling the last remaining magic debuff or it runs out, the blue inner frame should disappear.
Actual behaviour:
After dispelling the last remaining magic debuff or it runs out, the blue inner frame stays active.
Can reproduce it on any magic debuff. Pull a mob, wait for it to apply a magic debuff, dispell -> inner frame still active
Related error messages:
no error message while testing it with vuhdo, vuhdo options and the two bug addons