Buff panel not correctly detecting spells on initial load
I confirm the issue lies within Vuhdo, have reproduced it with all other addons disabled.
Describe your environment: I'm using Vuhdo 3.167-catac Playing on Warcraft EU My Warcraft client is in frFR
Summary of the issue:
Upon the initial first launch, Vuhdo will not correctly detect the spells of my character and therefore cannot populate correctly the buff list. A /reload or change of spec solves the problem until the first connection of the next session (disconnect / reconnect of same / other character of the same session is ok)
Expected behaviour:
Spells should be correctly detected from the initial first load into the game.
Actual behaviour:
Only a portion of the spells are detected upon first load, Inner Fire is always there, but other such as Power Word Fortitude or Shadow Protection are missing.
Start game client, load the game, enter realm with any character, buffs are missing. /reload or change spec to solve the problem. To reproduce: quit game (directly from the game or from the menu) and launch a new session from the launcher, again the spells are gone from the buff section and a reload is required.
Related error messages: