Per-panel settings not being separate in 3.164
Here are my exact steps.
I open /vd opt, go to the 'move!' tab and select the number of players to test (20 for my 20 man profile). I then go to the panel tab, and select my main tank tracking panel. I confirm at the top it says "Panel #3 (closed)" which is my tank panel. I setup my hot icons and hot bars for tank defensive tracking, cheat deaths, external defensives, etc. All I want there. I then hit 'Okay' and do a /rl.
Everything is good, all set there.
I then repeat the steps above having selected panel #2 (closed) which is my 20 player raid frames, and I set those up as I want. Raid cooldowns being tracked in center icon. I hit 'okay' and then do a /rl.
I re-open my /vd opt, and go to check my panel #3 (closed) settings, it is the same as panel #2 (closed) again. My tank tracking hot icons and bars are gone and it is tracking raid cooldowns. All the settings from Panel 2 have applied to panel 3.
It is my understanding this is not intended behavior, as per-panel settings should be supported. Tracking different things for tanks, vs the raid, vs private tank frames with dps cooldowns, etc.