Frames Issue when group change during combat
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
Describe your environment:
Apologies if this has been fixed in the latest release or previously reported.
In SOD on version 3.164-vanilla-alpha-2-classic
Thank you!
Summary of the issue:
When a player joins a raid during combat, the frames don't entirely update. One of the players in the raid disappears from the raid frames. Basically, it appears as though the player that joins during combat takes someone else's "spot" in the frames, and that player gets punted into oblivion. This resolves when combat ends and all players in the raid are displayed properly.
One unlucky time, the tank was no longer displayed as the joining player took the tank's former position in the frames.
Expected behaviour:
Vuhdo frames update during combat in a way where all raid members are visible
Actual behaviour:
When a player is added to the raid during combat, one of the members in the raid no longer is displayed
Related error messages:
Please first install the following two add-ons to assist in capturing any error messages in-game:
My lua error reporting was disabled the last time this happened, but will try to recreate and see if any errors are generated.
Next, disable all add-ons except for Bugsack, Bug Grabber, VuhDo and VuhDo Options. Capture any VuhDo related error messages and paste them here verbatim.