Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
Describe your environment:
Installed Vuhdo from CF for Cata Beta to test it - it works - it loaded, able to access options and make changes, but upon loading into the game I got a Lua error - I copied the error message so can try to help
VuhDo version (e.g. v3.102, Classic or Retail)
World of Warcraft region (ie. Americas/Oceanic, EU, CN or KR). - Beta servers
World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS). enUS
- You can retrieve this by running the following command in-game:
/dump GetLocale()
Summary of the issue:
I installed Vuhdo prior to logging into Cata Beta - after game loaded I got an error message for Vuhdo - at the character selection screen I had made sure only Vuhdo was enabled as I didn't want possible conflicts
Describe your issue here.
Message: ...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:1546: table index is nil
Time: Wed Mar 20 10:50:21 2024
Count: 1
Stack: ...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:1546: table index is nil
[string "@Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:1546: in function <...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:1490>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:3464: in function OnInitialize' [string "@Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:3604: in function
[string "@Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:3583: in function <...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:3579>
Locals: Renew = "Renew"
GreaterHeal = "Greater Heal"
PrayerofHealing = "Prayer of Healing"
FlashHeal = "Flash Heal"
Heal = nil
LesserHeal = "Heal"
SpiritualHealing = "Tome of Light"
ImprovedRenew = "Improved Renew"
GreaterHealHot = "Greater Heal"
DispelMagic = "Dispel Magic"
BindingHeal = "Binding Heal"
EmpoweredHealing = "Empowered Healing"
Renewal = "37563"
Penance = "Penance"
Grace = "Grace"
BlessedResilience = "Blessed Resilience"
FocusedPower = "Focused Power"
DivineProvidence = "Divine Providence"
EmpoweredRenew = "Divine Touch"
TwinDisciplines = "Twin Disciplines"
(*temporary) =
Greater Heal = {
Flash Heal = {
(*temporary) = {
levels = {
averages = {
coeff = 0.857143
(*temporary) = {
1 = {
2 = {
3 = {
4 = {
(*temporary) = {
1 = 318
2 = 320.500000
3 = 322.500000
4 = 325.500000
5 = 327.500000
6 = 330
(*temporary) = {
1 = 460
2 = 463.500000
3 = 466.500000
4 = 469.500000
5 = 472.500000
6 = 476
(*temporary) = {
1 = 604
2 = 608
3 = 612
4 = 616
5 = 620
6 = 624
(*temporary) = {
1 = 758
2 = 762.500000
3 = 767
4 = 771.500000
5 = 776
6 = 780.500000
(*temporary) = 758
(*temporary) = 762.500000
(*temporary) = 767
(*temporary) = 771.500000
(*temporary) = 776
(*temporary) = 780.500000
(*temporary) = 734
(*temporary) = 827
(*temporary) = 780.500000
(*temporary) = 4621
(*temporary) = 4300.500000
(*temporary) = 3722.500000
(*temporary) = 1618
(*temporary) = 1872
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"
GetSpellInfo = defined =[C]:-1
hotData = {
Renew = {
Greater Heal = {
37563 = {
spellData = {
Greater Heal = {
Flash Heal = {
avg = defined @Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:835
isWrath = false
isTBC = false
isSoD = false
generateSODAverages = defined @Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:891
talentData = {
itemSetsData = {
AuraHandler = nil
select = defined =[C]:-1
unitHasAura = defined @Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:794
GetHealTargets = nil
playerGUID = "Player-4618-002BE5CA"
format = defined =[C]:-1
compressGUID = {
UnitGUID = defined =[C]:-1
guidToGroup = {
pairs = defined =[C]:-1
guidToUnit = {
Player-4618-002BE5CA = "player"
isClassicEra = false
InCombatLockdown = defined =[C]:-1
IsSpellInRange = defined =[C]:-1
CheckInteractDistance = defined =[C]:-1
UnitIsVisible = defined =[C]:-1
UnitHasVehicleUI = defined =[C]:-1
CalculateHotHealing = nil
SpellIDToRank = {
23569 = 6
55458 = 6
6064 = 4
25222 = 12
51945 = 1
6074 = 2
6076 = 4
6078 = 6
10623 = 3
425269 = 2
425270 = 3
639 = 2
25422 = 4
7651 = 4
48784 = 8
55459 = 7
1026 = 4
425274 = 7
2050 = 1
2052 = 2
2053 = 3
2054 = 1
2055 = 2
425276 = 9
2060 = 1
2061 = 1
45543 = 13
774 = 1
647 = 3
51803 = 16
27219 = 7
48785 = 9
27259 = 8
10328 = 7
1042 = 5
9841 = 10
5186 = 2
5188 = 4
Expected behaviour:
It does work - I had a health bar, able to access options menu, make changes in it, but the Lua error popped up when I logged in. I did not get a chance to run a dungeon yet to see if I would have gotten more or not.
Actual behaviour:
Related error messages:
Cata Beta Servers are down, I will update once I get back on with info from Buggrabber/Bugsack
Please first install the following two add-ons to assist in capturing any error messages in-game:
Next, disable all add-ons except for Bugsack, Bug Grabber, VuhDo and VuhDo Options.
Capture any VuhDo related error messages and paste them here verbatim.