Hot Icons do not show up after import of Bouquet: Atonement ("own" only) Health Bar (gradient)
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo: I have disabled all addons to confirm the issue is only with VuhDo.
Describe your environment: Retail VuhDo Version: 3.160, EU, enUS
Summary of the issue: After following the guide given here and following to top rated comment to get the Banquet here I imported the Banquet duplicated it once so I have both Atonement and Glimmer of Light (for Paladin and Priest respectively), the only thing I changed from the import was the color for for Glimmer/Atonement to fff6ec5e. Then I went to Debuffs and made one for Atonement with the Spell ID 194384 checked Timer and Mine for the options (picture 1) and one for Glimmer of Light with the Spell ID 287280 checked Timer and Mine for the options (picture 2) Afterwards I checked if it worked and on targets I casted Atonement or Glimmer of Light there Frame changed to the desired color but my previous way of tracking both of these buffs via a Hot Icon underneath the frame is no longer working although I have not changed anything in those options.
Expected behaviour: I expected that when I give some one Atonement/Glimmer of Light there frame should change color and underneath the frame there should be an icon showing that the buff is applied and for how long it is applied.
Actual behaviour: When I change the Health Bar under Indicators to the new one with Atonement/Glimmer of Light tracked and I apply those buffs to targets their frame changes to the disiered Color but the hot Icon underneath does not appear. When I change the indicator back to the old one Health (generic, class col) it no longer changes color but now shows the buff in the hot icon bar underneath the frame.
Related error messages: There are no error messages showing up in chat or in bug sack.
I have attached pictures of my Hot Bars/Icons settings, a swell as pictures of the debuffs and text files with the two profiles I use for Priest/paladin.