Intercession isn't working via Smart Cast
- Vuhdo version 3.157 for retail
- Americas/Oceanic
- Client language = U.S. English
Issue: Turned on Smart Cast for "Battle Rez" as a holy paladin. When I Shift-Click a frame for a dead person in combat, nothing happens. This functionality was working about 10 days ago.
Expected Behavior: When I Shift-Click the frame for a dead person in combat, Vuhdo casts Intercession (paladin's battle rez) on the selected player.
Actual Behavior: Nothing happens when I Shift-Click the frame for a dead person.
Additional Info:
- I have tried disabling all other add-ons.
- I have tried setting the Modifier Key for Smart Cast to "None."
- Smart Cast is working for mass Resurrection out of combat.
- I have tried disabling the Announcement for rezzing.
- /dump Vd1H2:GetAttribute("type1") > "[1]="macro"
- /dump Vd1H2:GetAttribute("macrotext1") > [1]="/cast [target=raid20,target=mouseover,exists][] Holy Shock"
- I am using Holy Shock via a macro: "/cast [target=vuhdo,target=mouseover,exists][] Holy Shock"
- I have this Holy Shock macro bound to Left-Click.