Color of text in Hot counter always appears white
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
I've confirmed that the issue occurs when all other addons are disabled
Describe your environment:
I am using vuhdo v3.158-vanilla but I've also have the same issue with v3.157-vanilla I am playing on a SoD server.
Summary of the issue:
Texts of HoTs or other Bouquets that are configured to appear on the panel are always white and change color when expiring instead of following the predefined color from HoT Colors.
Expected behavior:
When I set a HoT or other bouquet text color from the Hot Colors option I expect the color of the counter to follow that text color. This is what I feel was happening in previous editions
Actual behavior:
Regardless of what color I am selecting in Colors->Hots->Hot Colors the text of my Hot icons always appears white and turns into yellow/orange/red in the final seconds. This occurs even if the expiry warning is unchecked and even if the warning color is different.
To reproduce the issue select a Hot to appear in a specific position at Panels->Hot Icons->Hot Order. Then select from Panels->HoT Icons->Own Hots Text only and Stacks:off Set any color at Colors->HoTs ->HoT Colors for the Text of the HoT and turn off "Expiry Warning" (although this toggle seems to do nothing) Cast a HoT. The color of the HoT text is white instead of the specified one.
Related error messages:
No related error message