Frames Reporting Incorrect HP Values in Classic-Hardcore
VuhDo version: v3.156-vanilla Region: Americas Language: enUS
Summary of the issue:
VuhDo frames reporting incorrect Health Values.
Expected behaviour:
VuhDo frame should match Health Value of in game unit frames.
Actual behaviour:
I'm not the player who experienced the bug but a viewer of the recently Streamer Hardcore MC run. As none of them would actually report this bug I figured I'd maybe give it a shot as it's a pretty big fault if it keeps happening.
This is the start of the fight. The first time the health value starting showing incorrectly was at 6:58:59. The Vuhdo frame shows that the player Miz has lost all 8303 of his HP but he is actually only missing 2,624 HP. Another example of it happening, the player is already full HP but the VuhDo frames are saying they are still missing over half their health.
It then happened frequently after to a couple of different player frames.
Related error messages:
Unfortunately I can't provide bug grabber logs as the issue did not happen to me specifically but to a streamer I was watching. This whole ticket may be useless as I can't provide that type of data but felt the issue should be brought up at least.