Party Frame Opacity Not Working In Combat
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
I did this and the problem still persists
Describe your environment:
In combat during solo shuffle and battleground blitz versus rogues
- VuhDo version
v.3.156 Retail
- World of Warcraft region
- World of Warcraft client language
Summary of the issue:
During pvp, my vuhdo party frames no longer reduce opacity when the enemy rogue uses smoke bomb or shadowy duel. Before I updated Vuhdo i would have reduced opacity on my party frame healthbars when enemy rogues used smoke bomb and shadowy duel while i was in combat. After updating the opacity is no longer reduced and its difficult to know if i can heal my party or not versus rogues.
I tried rolling back to an older version of Vuhdo but I'm not able to load my profile on it and Vuhdo was freezing instead.
Expected behaviour:
Vuhdo should show the same opacity as out of range when an enemy rogue uses smoke bomb or shadowy duel. I expect opacity of my party frames to be reduced when enemy rogues use shadowy duel or smoke bomb. I believe the out of range opacity is used for units out of phase and when rogues use shadowy duel and smoke bomb.
Opacity is reduced in the default UI of party frames when enemy rogues use smoke bomb and shadowy duel. Vuhdo would also reduce opacity in these cases before I updated.
Actual behaviour:
When an enemy rogue uses smoke bomb or shadowy duel my party frame opacity is not reduced
Tell me how to reproduce your issue. Please provide step-by-step instructions.
- Background indicator set to black and flag: always solid with 100% opacity as highest priority while my healthbar is white and flag:range, out of at 50% opacity. This makes my health bars white while my party is in range and grey when they go out of range with a background that is always black.
- While in a party enter combat with an enemy rogue.
- While in range of your party let the enemy rogue use a smoke bomb ontop of one of your party members or shadowy duel them.
- Opacity of healthbars is not reduced. This used to reduce opacity of healthbars.
Related error messages:
Please first install the following two add-ons to assist in capturing any error messages in-game:
Next, disable all add-ons except for Bugsack, Bug Grabber, VuhDo and VuhDo Options. Capture any VuhDo related error messages and paste them here verbatim.
I did this and found no error messages