DH Tank unable to use any abilities or even mount up except after reload
Vuhdo version 3.154
Date when bug last occurred: October 28th 2023
Region: EU
Summary of the issue: In the past week, playing my DH, sometimes when in dungeons (although it has happened once outside of dungeon as well, at the training dummies), I find myself not being able to press ANY of my spells/buttons (some have macros, some don't, it doesn't matter) unless I reload the game first, which fixes the issue temporarily. The bug might occur a second time during the same session, but not in the same dungeon so far.
None but my Vengeance Demon Hunter has this issue (other chars: mistweaver/brewmaster/prot pala/blood dk). I am using the same Vuhdo profile for all my tanks.
Tell me how to reproduce your issue. Please provide step-by-step instructions:
I don't know how to, it happens randomly, but here is how it usually goes: I log on to my DH, invite my friends to party, invite some pugs via premade tool, and go to dungeon. When the dungeon starts, sometimes I cannot press any spells/buttons. Last time I tried to activate metamorphosis 1 second before key starts but couldn't, so I reloaded immediately and was able to play normally again for the rest of the session (ran a couple keys before and after the bug occurred).
Related error messages:
(EDIT, here's the correct message given: "VuhDo has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. You can disable this addon and reload the UI.") Blizzard's own error notification popup when I try to press my spells says that Vuhdo has been blocked from accessing a function (slight paraphrase here, as I cannot reproduce the bug as of writing, but it seems the standard error text when addons are causing an issue and it then gives the option to either disable the addon or ignore.)
Here is the bugsack report from my previous session, when I tried to press metamorphosis:
14x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'VuhDo' tried to call the protected function 'UseAction()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:480>
[string "=[C]"]: in function UseAction' [string "@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:364: in function
[string "@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:690: in function <FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:672>
[string "@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:704: in function <FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:697>
[string "@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:746: in function SecureActionButton_OnClick' [string "@FrameXML/ActionButton.lua"]:89: in function
[string "@FrameXML/MultiActionBars.lua"]:23: in function `MultiActionButtonDown'
[string "MULTIACTIONBAR3BUTTON4"]:2: in function <[string "MULTIACTIONBAR3BUTTON4"]:1>