Saving with a Special Dot showing on frames causes a lua error and corrupts your VuhDo profile
- VuhDo version (e.g. v3.102, Classic or Retail) Retail v3.154
- World of Warcraft region (ie. Americas/Oceanic, EU, CN or KR) Americas
- World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS) enUS
When hitting okay with a Special Dot (swiftment indicator) a lua error occurs
Steps to reproduce:
- Make a bouquet that has a flag to always show a solid color.
- In the indicators tab, set the Special Dot (or swiftmend indicator in the code) to the bouquet
- Once the indicator appears on your frames, hit the Okay button to save your profile ! profile doesn't save, lua error appears, and if you reload your UI your VuhDo profile breaks
5x Usage: self:SetVertexColor(color [, a])
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetVertexColor'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua"]:654: in function `tDelegate'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBouquets.lua"]:529: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoBouquets.lua:519>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBouquets.lua"]:587: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoBouquets.lua:580>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBouquets.lua"]:609: in function `VUHDO_initAllEventBouquets'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoBouquets.lua"]:483: in function `VUHDO_registerAllBouquets'
[string "@VuhDoOptions/VuhDoNewOptionsTabbedFrame.lua"]:103: in function `VUHDO_tabbedPanelOkayClicked'
[string "*VuhDoNewOptionsTabbedFrame.xml:221_OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*VuhDoNewOptionsTabbedFrame.xml:221_OnClick"]:1>
(*temporary) = "Usage: self:SetVertexColor(color [, a])"