When using Shift, Spells will only cast on myself and not my mouseover target
VuhDo version - v3.153 Retail
World of Warcraft region - US World of Warcraft client language - ENG
Expected behaviour When using shift as a modifyer key, the spell used via mouse key is used on party/raid member I am moused over.
Actual behaviour: When doing above, the ability is cast on myself instead.
How to replicate - Went into raid finder or any party using these abilities as the spells with a Holy Paladin. The only things I changed were location of frames, turned off buff panel and tank panel and headers of groups.
Screenshot of my buttons/abilities
Screenshot of the UI only using Bugcatcher and VuhDuo, circled are the player I was trying to cast Barrier of Faith on, and Barrier of Faith cast on myself.
Related error messages:
None as shown in screenshot after testing in LFR