Ragnaros Encounter - Resto Druid - Classic/HC Wow
This is very specific to one encounter in Classic/HC WOW, the last boss of MC. It could also be Resto Druid specific, as I and another Resto have the same problem.
As soon as the encounter begins it's impossible to determine who is taking damage. The health bars keep dropping to zero, then back up, but the players are not taking any damage. It looks the same way as when a player logs on during combat and they are in the raid, there is a moment when their health is at zero then it returns to normal. It looks like players are being hit for all their health, and then it returns to normal, but they are not being hit at all.
The problem has been evident for at least 2-3 weeks, but this evening it was awful and I couldn't heal anyone at all.
Honestly, the only way to reproduce this happening is on that encounter, but I only raised the issue after speaking with another experienced Resto having the same problem. He was not in the raid tonight. I've had this problem to some extent or another for about 3 weeks, he was the same.