Grove Guardians not shown
- VuhDo version: 3.153, Retail
- World of Warcraft region: EU
- World of Warcraft client language: enUS
Summary of the issue:
I made a new Bouquet for Grove Guardians (ID:102693) to show them when casted on a panel frame.
In the Bouquet option it shows the Icon and it seems VuhDo recognize the spell. However if i wanna use it as HoT Icon, HoT Bar or as Indicator, it simple dosn't show the spell in the panel/frame when the spell is used. VuhDo shows me their Wild Growth when the cast is used but not when theyre casted.
Expected behaviour: The spell Grove Gardians should be shown as any other spell when placed in ''HoT Icons/HoT Order'', or as HoT Bar, Indicator. As rdruid i need to know on wich grp member theyre casted and active.
Actual behaviour: No spell is shown, no matter in wich option (HoT Icon, HoT Bar or as Indicator). Even w/o Icon, just colored the spell isnt showing up in my vuhdo panel/frame.
How to reproduce your issue: Make a Bouquet for Grove Guardians (ID:102693) and simple try to show it as HoT Icon or any other otion u provide.
Thank you so much for having a look!
Best regards,