Bugged "Swiftmendable" interactions with new Restoration Druid talents
Describe your environment:
VuhDo version 3.153 (Retail)
Americas region
Language enUS
Summary of the issue:
The new Restoration Druid combined talents Grove Guardians and Wild Synthesis are causing an incorrect interaction with the "Swiftmendable" red dot. When selecting both talents, the Treant that is summoned with the Grove Guardians ability will also cast Wild Growth. This Wild Growth (Treant) is not able to be consumed for Swiftmend. However, VuhDo flags it as being a valid HoT to consume and will display the Swiftmendable red icon.
Expected behaviour:
The Swiftmendable red dot should not appear for Wild Growth (Treant)
Actual behaviour:
Wild Growth (Treant) is flagged it as being a valid HoT to consume and will display the Swiftmendable red icon.
Reproduce by selecting both Grove Guardians and Wild Synthesis talents, then using only the Grove Guardians ability.