Pb import text config WOTLK classic
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
- tried disable all plugins but vuhdo + options : no change
- tried with BugGrabber + BugSack : no error
Describe your environment:
- VuhDo version : latest classic 3.151
- World of Warcraft region EU
- World of Warcraft client language frFR
Summary of the issue:
PC 1 ==> export vuhdo config as text String. Save to a txt file. Seems OK likely base64 ascii. PC 2 ==> start options, imort profile (copy and paste text string from step just above), apply profile, save, try reselect profile.
Actual behaviour:
The profile appears in VuhDo GUI (options + menu on clic) BUT none of my spells are here
Expected behaviour:
I should bet my spells and other config identical
Related error messages:
None : console says everything is ok, profile imorted, no bugsack / bugrabber error
File content :