Can't add debuffs to ignore list via Ignore List modifier key
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
-> Yes. Disabled everything except Vuhdo and still had same prob.
Describe your environment:
Retail Vuhdo v3.151 EU - deDE
Summary of the issue: When I try to add Debuffs to the ignore List via the Ingore List Modifier Key nothing happens. No Lua Error and no Chat msg. Adding Spell by Hands works fine. It worked before (sometimes had the prob that the key i assigned reseted but was no big deal).
Problem occurred since using the "Reset own Debuffs" Button on the Tools Tab. I had like 300 Debuffs in die Custom debuffs tab and wanted to get rid of them. Worked fine. But since then i can't remove Debuffs via Hotkey (alt + right mouse button). This overlaps with the 10.1.5 update. so i don't know if it's the problem
I also added new Custom Debuffs to fill the list again to check if it works afterwards. Still doesnt work.
Edit: Downloaded a random profil of Wago and it works with that. so something with the profile isnt working.
Edit: Edit: Check comment. Prob found the Problem!
Pics of Settings:
Tell me if you need more pics.
Expected behaviour:
After clicking Debuff on Vuhdo Frame with assigned hotkey (in my case alt+right click) it should be added to the list and not be shown anymore
Actual behaviour:
Doesnt get added to the list and still shows.
Tell me how to reproduce your issue. Please provide step-by-step instructions.
-> Maybe also use the reset Costum Debuffs tool to try to replicate it?
Related error messages:
No ingame Error occures. So nothing i can post here :c