Bouquet, many items?
Vuhdo make my fps drop during raids and I'm trying to optimize it's configurations without losing functionality.
Does a bouquet with over 25 itens impact performance negatively? I have 2 around that number for tank internal and external CDs. I also have a raid cooldowns one that includes Aura Mastery but inside a full raid it won't show when the skill is used, but ardent defender or divine sacrifice for example will display correctly. It also displays if I'm in Dalaran and invite someone just to test it. It looks like there's a cap of how many things? or I something else I don't know.
I tried disabling AOE advice, cluster, spell trace, but there isn't really a button to do it. edit: spell trace has the disable option
I'll try to disable HealComm and see how it goes next raid. The thing I really need is for health to update really fast and for fps to drop less. Incoming heal to update faster would be a bonus.
I tried grid2 and although it was faster, I couldn't get all the grid functionality that I'm used to and quite like for many years already.
After disabling LibHealComm-4.0 and deleting the folder I'm getting these messages on bugsac:
2x VuhDo/Libs/Libs.xml:26 Couldn't open VuhDo/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.xml
2x Interface_Wrath\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 VuhDo/Libs/Libs.xml:26 Couldn't open VuhDo/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.xml
This command /dump LibStub("LibHealComm-4.0", true) and "Yes" or "No"
also displays [1]="No"
Vuhdo version is 3.148-wotlkc.
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