List of quality of life features for vuhdo
I am a long time user of vuhdo. Vuhdo was great and still is but not up to date anymore with its features. Just little things can improve vuhdos handling so much more for their users. Hopefully this is the right place to post something like this, if not just delete/close this.
So here is my list with suggestions for vuhdo:
1. Better precise positioning for group windows
Vuhdo already uses x and y positioning for debuff text or raid marks. But it would be so much better to have this option for the window itself. Moving it with the mouse only is just a headache when aligning it with other things.
Solution: Anchor the group windows to the middle of the player screen. Moving the group windows with the mouse is still fine but adding in X and Y coordinates will be great.
2. Improvement of the numeric text in buffs/debuffs
The numbers in debuffs are weirdly positioned. If you position the number in the center it only counts for numbers with two digits (>9). Numbers under 10 are more right positioned which looks weird.
Solution: Actually I dont have a good solution to this because I have not a good coding knowledge. But it should be possible, right?
3. Give a option to show debuffs/buffs full duration as default (like animations/icons etc.)
Pretty simple and self explainatory one. I know it is already possible by adding custom debuffs or enabling it under colors but a default one would be nice.
Solution: Adding the option in debuff > custom (like where animations etc. is)
4. Swipe animation for buffs/debuffs
At least if you dont see the full duration it is useful to see how long a buff/debuff last. Having an indicator will be useful.
Solution: Adding a swipe animation to debuffs/buffs. Or give the option for that.
5. Debuffs positioning when having multiple debuffs
This one is hard for me to explain but I try my best. When you get a debuffs which last 5 seconds this debuff will be in position 1). Getting a different debuff, while having the first debuff, for lets say 20 seconds will be in position 2). If debuff 1 expired debuff 2 stays in position 2 instead of moving to position 1. Its a weird static behaivor.
Solution: It seems like the arrangement is static. Possible to make it dynamic?
6. Improvement of the color picker ui
I find it hard to choose thing by moving my mouse. I like it when giving number inputs etc. to choose something. This rule is the same for colors in vuhdo. What color code is vuhdo even using?
Solution: Change the color code to RGB or hex. Or at least give the option to use addons like colorpickerplus
7. Rearrange options to a more fit category
If you are used to vuhdo, like me, you know where to look for certain options. But it is hell for new users. There is one thing in my mind which I searched for hours in vuhdo. I looked up if I cant show the full duration of a buff. This option was hidden under colors, which is not a good spot for something like this, IMO.
Solution: It is a big one but a revamp of options etc.
8. Overall improvement of the user GUI
Lets be real: Vuhdo's GUI is completly user unfriendly. There is not much to say.
Solution: Same as 7. a big revamp.