Feature request: Different settings per panel
Hello, I've noticed that there is yet no option to choose a different color, debuff, and buff options per panel.
If you have a panel with raid groups and a panel with NPCs, you have chosen that you want to change color if the unit is affected by the magic debuff, both enemy NPC and Friendly target change color. This makes it harder to create "Boss frames" with different settings.
An example could be having normal raid frames, colorized by class, changing color if a unit is affected by a dispellable aura, and then boss frames where you see only dispellable buffs, no debuffs at all, colorized red/green by enemy/friendly status, etc. For me personally, this would help with bosses that have friendly adds that require healing (from SL - Huntsman, Prototype Pantheon, Anduin) since I use Vuhdo instead of macros which check if I have an enemy as the target or friendly as a mouseover.
Yes, this could be very easily fixed with macros that go /cast [@mouseover, help] healingSpell,[@harm] damageSpell but I feel having key-binds for mouseover in Vuhdo is one of its big advantages.