Group ordering breaking when moving raid members during combat
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
Describe your environment:
VuhDo version (e.g. v3.102, Classic or Retail)
- You can retrieve this by running the following command in-game:
/dump GetAddOnMetadata("VuhDo", "Version")
- You can retrieve this by running the following command in-game:
- World of Warcraft region (ie. Americas/Oceanic, EU, CN or KR)
World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS)
- You can retrieve this by running the following command in-game:
/dump GetLocale()
- You can retrieve this by running the following command in-game:
Summary of the issue:
Routinely, character swaps are made during combat in TBCC due to the many party-specific buffs. Most common being Bloodlust/Heroism. However, the majority of the time when character swaps are being performed, VuhDo fails to properly order the new arrangement.
Expected behaviour:
VuhDo should arrange players in the proper order without needing a /reload during combat
Actual behaviour:
Twitch Highlight included to show issue in action:
What happens: players "Natami" in group 3 (horizontal groups) and "Sausgmcbufin" in group 2 use bloodlust at the start of the encounter. Then, player "Doomzie" in group 5 is swapped with player "Sausgmcbufin". Instead of swapping locations, it appears "Doomzie" is correctly moved but "Sausgmcbufin" remains at position 6 in the raid frame, at the start of group 2. This shifts everyone else one position off. Then, "Natami" (still group 3) is swapped with "Hipstersham" in group 5. This second swap appears to happen correctly as Natami appears where Hipstersham was.
At 0:26 in the video, I open the raid default panel so you can see what the expected group ordering should be. At 0:45 I have successfully completed a /reload and VuhDo now orders raiders properly.
Profile: VuhDoRestoProfile.txt
Related error messages:
Please first install the following two add-ons to assist in capturing any error messages in-game:
Next, disable all add-ons except for Bugsack, Bug Grabber, VuhDo and VuhDo Options. Capture any VuhDo related error messages and paste them here verbatim.
I won't be able try to grab error messages as indicated above as it would affect raiding performance; I hope the video works well to recreate in addition to vuhdo profile attached.