Main tanks panel glitch when position of the MT changes mid combat
Describe your environment:
- VuhDo version: v3.132-tbcc
- World of Warcraft region:EU
- World of Warcraft client language:enUS
Summary of the issue:
Main Tanks panel glitches and shows wrong people, if someone joins mid combat / position of tanks change within the raid mid combat. That lasts until end of combat - then it shows the right players again.
Expected behaviour:
The Main Tanks panel shouldn't change when a new raid member joins / MTs position in raid changes mid combat.
Actual behaviour:
If a position of the main tanks changes in the raid during combat, it seems like the new index of the tank is not refreshed until the combat ends. That results into a random player that "occupies" the MTs last index to appear in the Main Tanks panel instead of him. This glitched situation lasts until end of combat.
Tell me how to reproduce your issue. Please provide step-by-step instructions.
Step 1: Have 2 people in raid
Step 2: Assign 1 as Main Tank and have Main Tanks panel enabled and visible
Step 3: Engage in combat
Step 4: Join the raid with a new player
Step 5: Watch the MT panel glitch and show a different player until end of combat
Related error messages:
It could be either solved the hold the index of the MT until the combat ends or to update it immediately.