[Bug] [TBCC] Profile Layout / Profile Spell Setup Not Saving; Reverts to Defaults Upon Reload
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
Describe your environment:
Addon: 3.132-tbcc-bcc WoW Client: TBCC; enUS
Summary of the issue:
First: I can't get Vuhdo to remember the profile I applied; it defaults back to 'Empty'. No matter which combination of 'Apply' and 'Save' I use.
Second: Then I see it's not saving the spell layout and is just reverting everything back to the 'defaults' for the class.
This is only happening on my newly created alt on a new account. I dare not test with the other's because I'm not spending half an hour each time I log into them to redo everything.
Expected behaviour:
It should remember the profile and not dump it, in favor of the Empty one. It should also remember the spells I want in each mouse over.
Actual behaviour:
It's not doing either of those. Basically, it's like I logout and delete the Saved Var file and log back in. Every. Single. Time.
Related error messages:
There isn't any. I've literally got only VuhDo and BugSack with BugGrabber running to test this. Nothing.
There is clearly an issue where the changes made are not committed to the Saved Var file upon reload/logout.
EDIT: To be clear. The Layout Profiles are saved to the LUA; so no file/folder permission issues. Vuhdo just won't remember that I have them selected.