Issue - Blacklist debuff priority over custom debuffs
Summary of the issue: When using the blacklist keybind on a debuff, you will see a message that it has been added only when it's not in the list already, but you can still add it to blacklist if it's in custom debuffs and it will still show up in the frames. While this rarely is a problem, it's an inconsistency that can create confusion later.
Favorable behaviour:
The described problem in part can be solved by either of:
- The proposed priority of manual blacklisting over custom debuffs
- Any attempt to blacklist a debuff that's in custom debuffs creates an error message
The former solution can prove to be problematic later down the line be confusing in case a debuff is already in blacklist and there's an attempt to add it to custom, which can be solved by creating a message-warning-error type of thing when trying to save the debuff, but at the same time solve a problem of generic boss debuff addition via updates akin to c1ac90fc
The latter doesn't have this problem but it would make any dynamic in-combat inclusion impossible if debuff exists in custom.