[Feature] - Move Ready Check icon option
Hi all!
I would like to have the option to be able to move the Ready Check icon to the center. Every time I update vuhdo, I have to edit 'VuhDoReadyCheck.lua' file and change LEFT to CENTER in "VUHDO_placeReadyIcon(aButton)" function:
local function VUHDO_placeReadyIcon(aButton) local tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[aButton:GetAttribute("unit")]; local tIcon = VUHDO_getBarRoleIcon(aButton, 20); if not tInfo or tInfo["isPet"] then tIcon:Hide(); else VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(tIcon); tIcon:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\icon_info"); tIcon:ClearAllPoints(); tIcon:SetPoint("LEFT", aButton:GetName(), "LEFT", -5, 0); tIcon:SetWidth(16); tIcon:SetHeight(16); tIcon:SetAlpha(1); tIcon:Show(); end end
I hope someone can add this feature in a not too distant future ;-)
Best regards and thanks for this great addon!