spells stop working during dungeons
Wow TBC on Ocianic Remulous server. No error messages. I lose random individual spells in dungeons sometimes. The spell will just go grey. eg. Mouse left click will be Heal spell. it goes grey and wont work. Then Button 5 will do same. And its random. I use Vudo for dps spell casting as well. And Mind blast or some other spell will grey out on occasion. Reloading ui doesnt reset this. I have to log out and log back in. Then will work for a bit, or the whole dungeon. Shadow labs, and Shattered Halls are the most common dungeons that bug out. And its never happened in a raid, Kara, Mags, Grulls, always works fine. Not sure how to show evidence of this. I can get a screenshot of the greyed out spells when it does happen if needed.