Custom bouquet throwing error constantly
I have a bouquet to track my Renewing Mist with health bar color. Although the bouquet is functional, and works as intended it continues to throw errors intermittently whenever reloading or loading in the game.
below is the error being thrown; I have looked over everything as best I can, but I cant seem to track down where the error is originating from.
{VuhDo} Error: Your custom flag validator did not execute: [string "@Interface\AddOns\VuhDo\VuhDoBouquetValidators.lua"]:1274: in function <Interface\AddOns\VuhDo\VuhDoBouquetValidators.lua:1272> [string "local VUHDO_unitInfo = _G["VUHDO_anInfo"]; return VUHDO_MY_HOTS[VUHDO_unitInfo["unit"]]["Renewing Mist"] and true or false;"]:1: in main chunk ...
{VuhDo} Error: Invalid validator: return VUHDO_MY_HOTS[VUHDO_unitInfo["unit"]]["Renewing Mist"] and true or false;