Moving raid members in-combat does not reflect their new group position
Classic Vuhdo
Summary of the issue:
When the raid leader or assistant moves individual raid members in the middle of combat, Vuhdo does not recognize their newly assigned group.
Expected behavior:
Raid members should be reflected in their correct group when swapped in the middle of combat.
Actual behavior:
It tends to leave them in their original group/position and when attempting to heal them will instead heal the individual who took their place. Sometimes, as show in the screenshot I've provided, it straight up goes AWOL, showing stuff like duplicates and disconnects when there are none.
You can reproduce this issue by simply starting combat and moving raid members around.
Related error messages:
There is no error message.
Bug -
Actual Group Setup Of The Above Image -
Why this matters:
Currently in Classic, there is no competitive advantage to moving individuals around in the middle of combat outside of last minute, in-combat swaps regarding auras from Paladins, Hunters, and Shaman totems. In my experience, it's quite rare as I've voiced this Vuhdo issue to my raid leader, so he avoids doing it as much as possible.
However, in Classic TBC, Bloodlust and Heroism are introduced to the game (they do not exist in Classic).
It's been discussed in current theorycrafting discords that there will be some sort of group swapping of Shamans to maximize the uptime of Bloodlust/Heroism on top tier dps, typically Warlocks and Hunters, to increase their speed run times.
As Lust and Hero are group based and do NOT provide a Sated or Exhaustion debuff (instead it has a 10 minute cooldown), there's no detriment to swapping Shamans into a optimally stacked group every 40 seconds to cast and maintain Lust/Hero on them for all or a majority of a boss fight or chain trash pull, or something more realistic and simple like swapping the Resto Shaman from the healer group into a dps group to maximize the usage of their Lust/Hero for damage purposes.
This bug will cause me, and anyone else in my position, to have to give up Vuhdo for another raid frame addon if the above becomes the meta. I'd much rather keep using this excellent addon but I can't use it as an excuse on why I couldn't heal someone. I'm really hoping there can be a solution to this issue. Thank you.