Altimor mythic Pierced soul
Summary of the issue:
On Altimor, there is no place for pierced souls to appear on the NPCs pannel. This issue only exists on mythic.
Expected behaviour:
When you're in fight as healer with Vuhdo, with the NPCs pannel, you're expecting to have healing targets within it.
Actual behaviour:
On NPCs pannel, you have Altimor, Bargast, Shades of Bargast, Rip Soul... So Pierced Soul don't appear on the pannel, no place for them.
Pull Altimor mythic and get to Bargast's phase. Wait for the Sinseeker to be cast and well... You'll have Altimor, Bargast, Shades of Bargast, maybe a Rip Soul, but no pierced soul... Pannel is flood with hostile targets.
I post that as a bug because on Kael Thas, that problem doesn't exist, you only have KT and the Essence Font... Why not doing the same with Altimor, only the RIp Soul and the Pierced souls...