Mouse Left Click action failing after Purify Spirit
For the last few days I have had issues where my heals have been simply not triggering on certain targets. After much testing I have narrowed down the issue to a very specific set of events.
- Remove a debuff from any member of the group with Purify Spirit (Resto Shaman) using my 'F' VuhDo local key bind.
- Left click on another group member to cast my bound heal (Healing Surge) at, just before, or just after the GCD completes.
The heal will not cast and will never cast on that player with the left click action until I take some other action. That could be casting a different spell on them (right click or any keybind) or on someone else (including the left click action).
The heal WILL cast if I wait a good half second or more beyond the GCD of the dispell action.
The problem might NOT occur if you fail to remove anything - and thereby not put Purify Spirit on cooldown - at least it didn't in the limited testing I did of that.