LUA error when executing /vd command
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Confirmed. Disabled all addons except for VuhDo, VuhDo Options, BugGrabber, and BugSack
Describe your environment:
- VuhDo version (e.g. v3.102, Classic or Retail) : Retail - VuhDo v3.119
- World of Warcraft region (ie. Americas/Oceanic, EU, CN or KR) : Americas - US West
- World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS) : enUS
Summary of the issue:
When trying to execute /vd command, I receive a LUA error. Options do not open. VuhDo Options does not appear in the Interface > Addons tab either, so I am unable to open the options manually.
Expected behaviour:
Options should open.
Actual behaviour:
- Disable all addons except VuhDo, VuhDo Options, BugGrabber, and Bugsack
- Select character and load game
- Enter /vd into the chat input
- LUA error displays
- Disable all addons except VuhDo, VuhDo Options, BugGrabber, and Bugsack
- Select character and load game
- Open the game options/menu
- Select Interface > Addons
- VuhDo Options no displayed
Related error messages:
5x VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:746: bad argument #1 (closed) to 'strlower' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function strlower' [string "@VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:746: in function
[string "@vuhdo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:1562: in function ?' [string "@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:5093: in function
[string "@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4757: in function ChatEdit_SendText' [string "@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4793: in function
[string ":OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string ":OnEnterPressed"]:1>
Locals: (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"