Unable to create bouquet that displays icon based on stacks
* VuhDo version 3.107 for Retail
World of Warcraft region = North America
World of Warcraft client language = enUS
I'm trying to set up a custom bouquet that only displays the icon when the number of stacks for a debuff hits a certain number. In my test bouquet, I'm trying to have Deferred Sentence display its icon only when the buff reaches 13 stacks.
I configured the bouquet by creating a new one with 2 "details" in the following priority order:
(1) Flag: Stacks > 13# (2) Deferred Sentence
Expected behaviour:
The icon for Deferred Sentence only appears as a HOT icon when the buff reaches 13 stacks or higher.
Actual behaviour:
As soon a I get one stack of Deferred Sentence, the debuff icon appears on my raid frame.