Spells Tab Missing
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Describe your environment:
- VuhDo version (e.g. v3.102, Classic or Retail) v 3.118 retail
- World of Warcraft region (ie. Americas/Oceanic, EU, CN or KR) Americas
- World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS) enUS
Summary of the issue:
The Spells tab is missing from the options. It has General, then an empty tab width, then buffs, debuffs, panels, colors, tools, move!.
Expected behaviour:
The Spells tab should exist
Actual behaviour:
The Spells tab does not exist. I do not know how to reproduce this behaviour. I removed the addon and reinstalled and the error still existed. I deleted the WTF and AddOns folders, and reinstalled VuhDo, BugGrabber, and BugSack. The Spells tab is still missing.
Related error messages:
No error messages from BugSack/BugGrabber before or after VuhDo + BugSack/BugGrabber were my only addons enabled. No error messages while VuhDo + BugSack/BugGrabber were my only addons installed after deleting WTF/AddOns folders and reinstalling.