Detox Constantly Becomes "custom" and not "spell"
Forgive me as I'm not computer savvy whatsoever, and just had my husband help me to join this site so I can ask you what's wrong with my Vuhdo. For the past several months, my Monk's dispel called "Detox" keeps becoming grey, or Vuhdo lists it as "custom" instead of "spell." (I hadn't said anything until now as I had assumed it was just a bug and you all were busy updating the addon for Shadowlands. But it's still happening constantly.) Here's what I have observed once it happens: Dragging the spell from the spell book doesn't help (still says custom or is grey). Using a macro doesn't help (it only casts on myself). It doesn't look like Vuhdo has the feature to just use the spell ID. And the only temporary fix is completely logging out and back in. Then it's listed as a "spell" for a time. Usually until I exit the instance, take a flight path, go fishing, like... it seems like I do anything and it forgets what "Detox" is again (as in, it's listed as "custom" or greyed out again, and does nothing when I try and use it in Vuhdo). Which is really frustrating, as a new XPack and new M+ and new raid, etc means I'll have to log out and back in a lot. (And no one wants that in a group.) I'm running bugsack. I have no bugs. I have disabled all addons and it still happens. It happens solo or in a group. I do not have any macros or anything else named "Detox" to conflict with it. Please advise ASAP! Thanks in advance.