Il'gynoth weakaura compatibility
Esteemed Vuhdo pros,
My raid used the dispel strategy for mythic Il'gynoth, with the help of a 2-part Weakaura. The first enables a 'dispel me!' macro which can be toggled. The idea is that each player in the raid toggles the macro on when their Cursed Blood circle is small and will deal nominal damage to the raid, and toggles it off when either they are dispelled or when the circle is large and would seriously damage or wipe the raid.
The second is supposed to put the words 'Dispel Me' and a border glow on raidframes. Link to the WA here:
The first worked fine for me. However, I could never get the frame glow and text to appear on my raid frames. The only guidance provided by the WA's author was "For Vuhdo: change frame strata for higher (tested on HIGH)". I went to the Vuhdo panel > Panels > Misc > Frame Strata, and selected every option from Very Low to Ultra to no avail. I then adjusted the frame strata on the WA itself and deleted and re-imported the WA to no avail. Both WAs worked fine for my co-healers, who use Blizzard raidframes with Clique or Healbot, and they could see the text and frame glow when I toggled the macro on. I ended up dispelling my fellow raiders the hard way, by seeing their frames turn blue like they would for any other magic debuff, then finding their characters and seeing their Cursed Blood circles for myself.
The kicker is that when we got the kill, I left the raid and, for an instant, the text and frame glow appeared where a couple of my raiders had left their macro/WA toggled on, in the places where their raidframes had been before they disappeared when I dropped group. It appeared as though the second WA that displays the 'Dispel Me' text and frame glow was underneath my raid frames, but if that was so, I can't fathom why adjusting the frame strata of both Vuhdo and the WA to every possible setting would not have made the WA appear on top of the raidframes.
I know this is a strange, niche problem, one which isn't even a Vuhdo issue per se, but I'd sincerely appreciate any insight you might have. Thanks so much for reading and your consideration.