bars are bugging - 1412x VuhDo\VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua:397: attempt to concatenate field 'className' (a nil value)
Describe your environment:
- VuhDo version (e.g. v3.102, Classic or Retail) : 3.113
- World of Warcraft region (ie. Americas/Oceanic, EU, CN or KR): EU
World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS): eng
- You can retrieve this by running the following command in-game:
/dump GetLocale()
- You can retrieve this by running the following command in-game:
Summary of the issue: For mythic+ I am using a configuration that bugs out after some time. First it seemed to happen when a DK shackled an Add. But the main issue seems to be that when too many deaths are occuring, that after some time the health bars are not moving anymore and they are showing the wrong information.
I am playing without class colors, showing the class name as text. i switched now to the player name only; still in my boralus+19 (with lots of deaths) at a certain point the UI totally bugged out, freezing the health bars.
Here is the stack I found using Bugsack (funny thing that error occured in Boralus, but the error shows an "Reanimated Honor Guard" that exists only in Atal Dazar:
1412x VuhDo\VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua:397: attempt to concatenate field 'className' (a nil value)
[string "@vuhdo\VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua"]:397: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua:348>
[string "@vuhdo\VuhDoBarCustomizerTarget.lua"]:163: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoBarCustomizerTarget.lua:160>
[string "@vuhdo\VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua"]:563: in function tDelegate' [string "@VuhDo\VuhDoBouquets.lua"]:514: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoBouquets.lua:504> [string "@VuhDo\VuhDoBouquets.lua"]:572: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoBouquets.lua:565> [string "@VuhDo\VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua"]:688: in function
[string "@vuhdo\VuhDoBarCustomizerDebuffIcon.lua"]:256: in function VUHDO_addDebuffIcon' [string "@VuhDo\VuhDoDebuffs.lua"]:406: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoDebuffs.lua:299> [string "@VuhDo\VuhDo-3.113.lua"]:341: in function <VuhDo\VuhDo.lua:297> [string "@VuhDo\VuhDo-3.113.lua"]:422: in function <VuhDo\VuhDo.lua:421> [string "@VuhDo\VuhDo-3.113.lua"]:783: in function <VuhDo\VuhDo.lua:746> [string "@VuhDo\VuhDoPanelRefresh.lua"]:229: in function
[string "@vuhdo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:1207: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:1190>
[string "@vuhdo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:1346: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:1265>
Locals: aButton = Vd2H1Tg { 0 = vfl = true raidid = "party1target" regularHeight = 50 } aMode = 1 anIsTarget = true tNickname = "Reanimated Honor Guard" (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = ": " (*temporary) = Vd2H1TgBgBarHlBar { 0 = isInverted = false SetVuhDoColor = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:480 PixelSnapDisabled = true vfl = true GetStatusBarColor = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:486 SetIsInverted = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:595 SetAlpha = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:492 txOrient = 1 SetStatusBarColor = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:474 SetOrientation = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:574 SetValue = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:498 SetValueRange = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:524 SetStatusBarTexture = defined @vuhdo\VuhDoPanelConvenience.lua:568 texture = { } } (*temporary) = "partypet1" (*temporary) = 1 (*temporary) = true (*temporary) = "attempt to concatenate field 'className' (a nil value)" tUnit = "partypet1" tInfo =