Debuffs disregard ignore rules with two profiles set up for one character
Describe your environment:
Vuhdo 3.113 America Horde
Summary of the issue:
Vuhdo / debuffs / icons ignore list does not ignore debuffs unless you ignore it (and delete it from vuhdo / debuffs / custom) on every possible auto-engaging profile for the active character.
Expected behaviour:
When I'm in my Mythics frame set up, if I add grasping tendrils to my ignore list, and delete grasping tendrils from the custom list, grasping tendrils icon should not show up when it affects somebody.
Actual behaviour:
The ignore list seems to pull from both profiles that are possible for the character (I use a set up for 1,3,5 and a different set up for 6+ players in my party/raid).
The icon still shows up regardless of ignore setting on the active profile.
to reproduce: set up a profile that auto engages at 1 player and a profile that auto engages at 5 players. add a debuff icon to vuhdo/debuffs/icons that you don't want to see on your 1 PLAYER profile. the debuff will show up despite being ignored
if you go into your 5 player profile, and also add the debuff to the ignore list, it works as intended on both profiles.
Related error messages: