Custom Bouquet using Flag: debuffs and using it on Indicator. doesn't work as intended
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Please first disable all add-ons other than VuhDo and VuhDo Options and see if your issue persists.
Describe your environment:
*VuhDo version
v3.107, Classic
*World of Warcraft region
- *World of Warcraft client language KoKR
Summary of the issue:
I use a custom Bouquet which uses Flag:debuff magic, Flag:debuff disease and put this Bouquet on inner borderline Indicator. (the original feature which shows the Debuff changes the whole color of the raid frame so i use this custom Bouquet which only changes the color of the border)
This worked fine until the recent patch. but now it only works on my frame. ( in a 15 member raid party, the indicator only works on me. The Border line indicator on magic,disease debuffs appears on my frame but doesn't work on other peoples frames. I disabled every addon and tried but it didn't solve the problem.
To sum it up, Custom bouquet using Flag: debuff -> Used on Indicator (inner borderline) -> only works on my frame.
Expected behaviour:
This should work on every raid or party members frame so it changes the color of the Inner border line when they have a Debuff.
Actual behaviour:
only works on my frame. If i have a 10 player raid for example. and 10 people has a debuff, the Indicator only works on my frame.
How to reproduce: Go to Bouquets -> make a custom Bouquet add Flag: debuff magic -> choose a color for the Flag -> Go to Indicator -> Set the Inner borderline to your custom Bouquet u just made.
Related error messages:
Please first install the following two add-ons to assist in capturing any error messages in-game:
I don't get any bug popups for Vuhdo on game start. but I didn't have time to make the right situation for my problem.