'General'>'Hide Panels'>'Empty' setting renders 'hide' state unresponsive
Verified with only VuhDo installed.
Describe your environment:
VuhDo version (e.g. v3.102, Classic or Retail)
- 3.112 Retail
World of Warcraft region (ie. Americas/Oceanic, EU, CN or KR)
- Americas
World of Warcraft client language (eg. enUS)
- enUS
Summary of the issue:
I have panels for target, pet, and focus. With 'Hide Panels'>'Empty'; If I remove my target or focus the respective panel will hide. With the very rare exception the panel will not return when I target or focus something new. If the pannel was hidden upon leaving the VuhDo options window they will sometimes unhide when I target/focus but then not hide again.
Expected behaviour:
I expected this option to be running the panels in the background so that it can responsively unhide them when they populate. I also expect it to hide itself somewhat quickly.
Actual behaviour:
When the panel hides, with very rare exception, it will not come back. And the actual initial hiding of the panel is very delayed. If the panel was hidden and comes back when it populates with a cell, it will sometimes not hide again.
I need to be able to click through empty panels and the 'Empty Buttons' Setting does not enable click-through. It instead leaves invisible mouse blocking buttons on the screen where the panel would be.
To reproduce make a new panel with a target cell. Enable the 'General'>'Hide Panels'>'Empty' Setting. Close settings. Target/ untarget something with varying delays. For differing results change whether you had a target or not when the VuhDo settings were open.