Problem with Humming Black Dragonscale
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Issue persists even with all other addons disabled.
Describe your environment:
- *VuhDo version 3.112
- *World of Warcraft region Americas/Oceanic
- *World of Warcraft client language enUS
Summary of the issue:
While I have the trinket Humming Black Dragonscale equipped and am in combat, VuhDo will not recognize local keys that I have set.
Expected behaviour:
When I press, for example, key 9 in local keys for the app, it should initiate Vivify. Actual behaviour:
It does not launch Vivify, it tries to initiate the global keybind I have for key 9. The same applies to at least one other local key setting, but does not seem to apply to all of them.
To reproduce the issue, I think you have to equip the trinket, set local keys, then test them out in actual combat. (Target dummies will not reproduce it.)For me, the two keys that do not work are local key 9 and local key V.
When I unequip the trinket the problem goes away and VuhDo works perfectly.
Related error messages:
Please first install the following two add-ons to assist in capturing any error messages in-game:
I do not get any VuhDo error messages, because apparently the app does not record that there are local key binds active for certain keys. I have tried deleting those key binds and resetting them, but that does not help.
This is driving me kind of nuts, I do not want to have to go back to Healbot!
Thank you.