Issue Crash at game start
Confirm the issue lies within VuhDo:
Issue linked only to one character and only to VuhDo
Describe your environment:
*VuhDo version V3.112
*World of Warcraft region EU
*World of Warcraft client language frFR
Summary of the issue:
I have an issue on only one of my characters. When I load VuhDo on it, it crashes (error log only shown if I activate the libs as well)
(Test done even if I had disactivated all other add-ons)
Expected behaviour:
Module should load normaly
Actual behaviour:
I did some modification on my profile and after I created a new one for groups only I took the base of my raid profile. I did some resets on this profile (tool-resets) and after this VuhDo stopped working
Related error messages:
1x ...eVuhDo\VuhDoNewOptionsGeneralSkinsShared.lua:2532: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) ...eVuhDo\VuhDoNewOptionsGeneralSkinsShared.lua:2532: in function `VUHDO_loadProfileNoInit' VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:291: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:275> VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:357: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:345> VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:592: in function <VuhDo\VuhDoEventHandler.lua:407>
Locals: aName = "Groupe" tIndex = 4 tProfile =