Riptide Bug
Describe your environment: Vuhdo Version SOD Classic
*VuhDo version v3.182 release, also experienced on v.183 alpha 7 release
*World of Warcraft region Americas
*World of Warcraft client language enUS
Summary of the issue: I keep getting a lua error every time I cast riptide
Describe your issue here. Repeated lua error on riptide casts Expected behaviour:
No lua errors on riptide cast
Actual behaviour:
Sorry I don't really know what to put here, I just keep getting the below error message every time I cast riptide
Related error messages:
58x ...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0-114/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:887: attempt to get length of local 'average' (a nil value) [string "@VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0-114/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:887: in function <...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:875> [string "@VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0-114/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:1895: in function <...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:1893> [string "@VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0-114/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:2921: in function `?' [string "@VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0-114/LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:3594: in function <...ddOns/VuhDo/Libs/LibHealComm-4.0/LibHealComm-4.0.lua:3592>
Locals: spellData =