frequently occurring error, not sure when exactly it happens, but happened 14x yesterday
14x VuhDo/VuhDoGuiToolbox.lua:130: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoGuiToolbox.lua"]:130: in function `?'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoGuiToolbox.lua"]:137: in function `VUHDO_getAnchorCoords'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua"]:1055: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua:1036>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua"]:1162: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua:1147>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua"]:1188: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua:1179>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoPanelRedraw.lua"]:1226: in function `VUHDO_reloadUI'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoNewOptionsGeneralSkinsShared.lua"]:2643: in function `VUHDO_loadProfile'
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:350: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua:337>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:433: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua:381>
[string "@VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:676: in function <VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua:443>
aPanel = Vd2 {
isMoving = false
backdropBorderColorAlpha = 0.460000
Center = Texture {
backdropBorderColor = <table> {
RightEdge = Texture {
backdropInfo = <table> {
BottomEdge = Texture {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
TopEdge = Texture {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
LeftEdge = Texture {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = Vd2 {
isMoving = false
backdropBorderColorAlpha = 0.460000
Center = Texture {
backdropBorderColor = <table> {
RightEdge = Texture {
backdropInfo = <table> {
BottomEdge = Texture {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
TopEdge = Texture {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
LeftEdge = Texture {
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value"