Commit 0f0a1e31 authored by Ivaria's avatar Ivaria
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Fix the DK Runes bouquet validator and text provider to use GetRuneCooldown...

Fix the DK Runes bouquet validator and text provider to use GetRuneCooldown since UnitPower always returns UnitPowerMax for this power type
parent 169539f8
......@@ -527,9 +527,19 @@ end
local tIsRuneReady;
local function VUHDO_runesEqualsValidator(anInfo, someCustom)
if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then
tPower = UnitPower(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_RUNES);
if anInfo["unit"] ~= "player" then
return false, nil, -1, -1, -1;
elseif anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then
tPower = 0;
for i = 1, 6 do
_, _, tIsRuneReady = GetRuneCooldown(i);
tPower = tPower + (tIsRuneReady and 1 or 0);
if tPower == someCustom["custom"][1] then
return true, nil, tPower, -1, UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_RUNES);
......@@ -688,6 +688,9 @@ function VUHDO_OnEvent(_, anEvent, anArg1, anArg2, anArg3, anArg4, anArg5, anArg
VUHDO_updateBouquetsForEvent(anArg1, VUHDO_UPDATE_PHASE);
elseif "RUNE_POWER_UPDATE" == anEvent then
VUHDO_updateBouquetsForEvent("player", 42); -- VUHDO_UPDATE_RUNES
VUHDO_Msg("Error: Unexpected event: " .. anEvent);
......@@ -1474,7 +1477,7 @@ local VUHDO_ALL_EVENTS = {
......@@ -332,7 +332,6 @@ local VUHDO_BLIZZ_EVENTS = {
......@@ -57,9 +57,19 @@ end
local tReadyRuneCount;
local tIsRuneReady;
local function VUHDO_runesCalculator(anInfo)
if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then
return UnitPower(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_RUNES), UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_RUNES);
if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] and anInfo["unit"] == "player" then
tReadyRuneCount = 0;
for i = 1, 6 do
_, _, tIsRuneReady = GetRuneCooldown(i);
tReadyRuneCount = tReadyRuneCount + (tIsRuneReady and 1 or 0);
return tReadyRuneCount, UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_RUNES);
return 0, 0;
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